Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Final PowerPoint Presentation

Speech Topic: 2012 London Olympics Logo Controversy

Purpose: To inform people how such an impact graphic design can be.

Introduction: Start with a quote from my favorite artist: "There are three classes of people: those who see, those who see when they are shown, those who do not see." -Leonardo da Vinci

A. This logo is despised by everyone.
B. I will discuss the goal of this logo and the opposition it has met worldwide and why.

A. introduce logo and the goals being "dynamic, modern, inclusive"
Transition: unfortunately, only the board said this

B. opposition-looks like a swastika or Lisa Simpson
cost - $800,000!
Transition: national competition more appropriate

C. graphic design impact
online petition gained 28,000 in just 48 hours
Transition: "My children could do better..."

Conclusion: I discussed the goal of the 2012 London Games logo and it's weaknesses.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Unbiased Language

I can't really think of any situations when someone made an inappropriate remark on my gender. I remember instances really well where my intelligence and skills were questioned rather strongly. I wished the floor would swallow me up and I felt that awful sinking feeling in my gut. And I felt a huge rush of blood in my face and I knew that I was majorly blushing. But after wards I wished I had stood up for myself and told the person he had no right, etc... Oh well.

I just remembered an instance about age/physical stature. My friend and I were walking up to the Institute and I had been meaning to ask if she was really the age she had mentioned the other day. She was starting to breathe heavily (or at least barely noticeable) because of the incline and I stupidly chose this moment to ask her age. To my own embarrassment, she thought I was asking because of her breathing and she was probably feeling self-conscious about her age. She didn't seem to mind though and she just brushed it off and I followed her lead.

Real World Blunder

I heard that President Obama mispronounced "Corpsman" and said it like, "Corpse man." I'm pretty sure the Navy doesn't work with corpses. And I'm pretty sure their respect for their president went down a bit. So this probably isn't an inappropriate comment, but come on, the President (the most powerful man on the planet) should know how to pronounce this even though he is kinda anti-military. (Case in point, President Bush always went out to the Middle East for Thanksgiving and whatnot, but President Obama just sent cards to random military people). So me and the rest of the military were kind of shaking our heads at this, but not ready to complain about it.

Good vs Bad Ads

The first one that shows a car and a plane, is a pretty good ad, because it keeps it simple and short. Not too much text and the text has a clear hierarchy. There are even "callouts" as in the little speaker boxes, to bring out that text. The ad itself has a clear hierarchy too because you're drawn to the picture and it intrigues you to start reading.

This one has parallelism when it says, "Freshly picked gum" instead of fruit. So immediately the audience knows that it is juicy and perhaps even natural flavor. I know I want to try some. The text is big and prominent and matches nicely with the picture. It also used complimentary colors that go really well together. It's not Christmas-y but with the darker shades, it comes across as fruity.

There is a double meaning that is pretty easy to catch. Public Education serves a bridge for a child's future. The text "public education" is clear and even looks like it is floating to help give the bridge effect. The picture itself is clear and striking. The text underneath the title is placed nicely and doesn't fight with any of the other elements.

First bad ad. "So that no one have to come here for food." One, it's disturbing. Two, typo. I think it would sound better if it said, "So that no one HAS to come here for food." The text also looks like it was plopped in there. But I do like the typeface. Would have been better to use a cardboard box with a pillow and blanket in it and a better slogan, with just "HELP" on it.

Now the second bad one. I don't know what a nerdy looking guy has to do with inspiration or visual studio. They could have an apple and hopefully people think of Newton and gravity and stuff.